Written by
Nicolle McMurray

Shaping Fort Collins Through Civic Innovation

Emily Myler works on the problem of housing and population growth in the city of Fort Collins using her communication studies degree and experience with the CPD.

From the Classroom to the Capitol

Rachel Pratt (’23) uses her political science, legal studies, and criminology degree to make her mark at a prominent government relations and public affairs firm based in Washington, D.C.

College of Liberal Arts Winter 2024/Spring 2025 News

An update on the latest research, faculty achievements, alumni spotlights, and other recent news from the College of Liberal Arts.

On the Road to Becoming a U.S. Foreign Service Officer

Veteran Justin Frigault (’23) secures a prestigious Rangel Fellowship on his journey to become a U.S. Foreign Service Officer.

Music alumni are guiding a new generation of leaders and musicians

CSU Music alumni are shaping their communities and inspiring students through adaptability, innovation, and leadership.

Crafting Global Fluency: From CSU to IMF

A love of K-Pop started Grace Tiberi’s (’22) interest in international studies, leading her to a job with the International Monetary Fund.

Hollywood Ending: Anthropology alum works at new Lucas Museum

Anthropology alum Jerry Smith (’13) catalogues the props and artwork of LucasFilm storytelling: that’s right, Star Wars, Indiana Jones, and more.