Department of
Political Science

From the Classroom to the Capitol

Rachel Pratt (’23) uses her political science, legal studies, and criminology degree to make her mark at a prominent government relations and public affairs firm based in Washington, D.C.

Winter 2023

Underrepresented and Unequal Voices in Democracy

CSU political science professors share examples of how some voices aren’t considered in political representation and policy outcomes.

Spring 2023

The Political Perception Gap and the Role of Higher Education

Are we as polarized as the media tell us we are? What do we really think of our neighbors and community? Recent research shows that multiple things influence our politics and perceptions of others, and that engaging in cross-partisan discussions can change those perceptions.

Winter 2022

Wildfire Risk Mitigation and Environmental Justice in Colorado’s Forest Landscapes

Undergrad Aidan Lyde worked on the Community Networks in Fire-Environment Resilience (CoNIFER) Project to improve the understanding of wildfire risk mitigation planning based on wildfire protection plans in Colorado during a CSU Extension summer internship. 

Spring 2022

Politics and Policy: A graduate student’s approach to climate change in developing nations

Julia Choolwe Munsaka’s interest in international relations stems from her Zambian roots. She is now pursuing her Ph.D. at CSU to focus on environmental policy, particularly how climate change is considered in diplomatic discussions in the developing world.  

Winter 2021

Navigating borders: Could water be a bridge between U.S. and Mexico?

Because both the Rio Grande and Colorado rivers’ headwaters begin in the U.S. and flow across the border, both sides depend on the other for the water. Since the 1990s, getting enough of that water has been a problem compounded by a booming population and climate change. The common problem has forced the two countries to find common ground, says Stephen Mumme. 

Spring 2021

Together, we inspect and explore

In the Department of Political Science, together we discover, protect, advocate, and understand. From learning abroad to advocating at home, from environmental justice to state politics, our students and faculty expand their boundaries to better understand the challenges and opportunities for cultures and countries.