Faculty & Staff
Graduate Teaching Instructors diversify Sociology’s classrooms
In the Department of Sociology, Graduate Teaching Instructors (GTI) provide skilled and innovative teaching in undergraduate sociology courses. GTI have years of training and experience, and they offer a diverse, deep pool of expertise along with an ability to connect with students in the classroom.
Winter 2021
Climate Impact on People, Place, and Policy
Growing up in Guatemala, Diego Pons, climatologist and assistant professor of geography, couldn’t help but recognize that climate had a remarkable impact on local environments, farms and people. Pons wants to make large-scale climate science work for local farms and communities facing tough decisions.
Planting a Vision
Emeritus professor and former VP Lou Swanson receives the Yellow Mountain Foreign Advisor Award – a high recognition for work done in China. The award recognizes Swanson’s and other sociology professors’ work to improve food systems and rural development in China, an effort decades in the making.
Latin American women writers’ voices crossed borders, platforms
María Inés Canto Carrillo, Assistant Professor of Spanish, has focused on how the pandemic has encouraged Latin American female writers to use social media to amplify their voices, bringing forth taboo topics, feminist concerns, and their stories to the forefront.
The legacy of Quitobaquito Springs, a tiny place with a long history
On the border between Mexico and Arizona is the postage stamp-sized oasis of Quitobaquito. But while the pond itself is tiny, what it holds is immense.
An International Perspective: Faculty Donors Support Students Becoming Global Citizens
Emeriti faculty Jim Boyd and Sue Ellen Markey embody the term “global citizen.” Having lived, worked, and studied in countries around the world, these two embrace and advocate for students to enter another worldview through the establishment of a new scholarship.
College of Liberal Arts 2021 News
From our faculty securing prestigious grants to our alumni making a significant impact on local communities, the College of Liberal Arts has great news to share.