Photo: Aerial view of the academic spine of CSU campus, including the Clark Building, Morgan Library, and the Michael Smith Natural Resources Building.
Awards and Recognitions
The CSU Fight Song turned 90 years old on Saturday, Nov. 19.
While the lyrics have changed slightly over time – mainly the modification of “stalwart Aggies” to “stalwart Ram Team” as the university’s mascot and name changed in the 1950s – the beloved rallying tune has been sung thousands of times across nine decades.
A $250,000 Teagle Foundation Cornerstone/NEH Planning Grant will fund two years of innovation in the undergraduate core curriculum.
Sociology Professor recevies getAbstract International Book Award
Professor of Sociology Michael Carolan received the getAbstract International Book Award 2022 for the Business Impact category for his book, A Decent Meal.
A Decent Meal discusses how to overcome the deep chasms and loss of empathy in American society through food and food systems.
New CSU podcast: The Audit
Colorado State University’s new podcast, The Audit, features conversations with CSU faculty on everything from research to current events. Just as auditing a class provides an opportunity to explore a new subject or field, The Audit allows listeners to explore the latest works from the experts at CSU.
- Can healing our divided nation start at the dinner table?
- For this CSU professor, America’s connection to witches is less ‘Hocus Pocus,’ more historical
- Can social marketing keep wildlife – and you – safe? This CSU researcher says the right messaging can help
- From Matthew Shepard to CSU’s first (and last) male homecoming queen, the Queer Memory Project archives Northern Colorado’s LGBTQ+ history

Alumni News
Clark Update
Haselden/Hord Coplan Macht firm has been selected to do the revitalization of the Clark building.
Clark will be renovated in phases, starting with Clark A. In summer and fall of 2023, the anthropology archives and JMC equipment will be relocated from the Clark A basement. All of Clark A will be shut down starting Jan. 2024 for renovations.

Research & Scholarship