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Dean's Office Workstudy

CSU center partners with National Park Service to provide historical scholarship

CSU’s Public Lands History Center has received new support that will allow it to partner with the National Park Service on an expanded number of large, complex research projects.

Czech Abroad: On the Building and Breaking Down of Walls

Like many American school children, I had heard many stories. Also like many American school children, I had never seen the wall.

Winter 2015

Comments from your Academic Success Coordinator

I dwell in Possibility – A fairer House than Prose – More numerous of Windows – Superior for Doors

Finding my way

One Interdisciplinary Liberal Arts alumna shares her story.

Life-Changing: A Liberal Arts student travels to Prague

One student explains why living in another country is life-changing.

International development within reach of CSU students

International Studies students had the opportunity to tour and learn more about the Posner Center in Denver.

CSU-born production company releases trailer for a full-feature documentary

“Our goal is to have this make an impact,” Rasmussen said. “We want them to see that we are there not to point fingers at the issue, but to give hope.”