Inspired by her grandmother’s assistance to those suffering the repercussions of civil unrest in Colombia, Juliana Vélez now fights for women’s rights around the world through an organization called HerStory.
The ACT Human Rights Film Festival curates the best of the most recently made human rights cinema not available in wide release, while honoring the most relevant and compelling stories from around the world.
“I love to bring people into the room who think they are so different from each other. Those are the starting points to work from to make the world a better place.”
The ACT Human Rights Film Festival kicked off on Friday, April 15th, with six films showing at the Lory Student Center Theater over the opening weekend.
The National Communication Association named SPCM 200: Public Speaking, a class offered by CSU’s Department of Communication Studies, as a “Program of Distinction” at its 2015 annual convention in Las Vegas last November.