Department of

What it Means to be Human

“When we talk about science and the way it is related to politics, we are looking at the way in which human activities are interdependent with the wider world.”

When is it ethical to euthanize your pet?

Dr. Bernard Rollin examines the ethics of euthanizing pets.

Spring 2016

Bernie Rollin lauded with lifetime achievement award

A tireless and outspoken advocate for animal ethics, CSU philosophy’s Bernard Rollin has received a Lifetime Achievement Award for Excellence in Research Ethics.

Bruce Bodaken: A business leader with a Philosophical Mind

Alumnus Bruce Bodaken (‘73) believes it is his background in philosophy that distinguished him from his peers in business and uniquely prepared him to be a leader and innovator.

Standing ovation for student’s spoken word performance

Philosophy student Arisson Stanfield brought the crowd to their feet during the 2016 MLK Day community celebration.

Winter 2015

Eddy Hall: home again

Walk along Center Avenue Mall in the heart of campus and you’ll notice a striking sight; a revitalized Willard O. Eddy Hall.