Faculty & Staff

Annual Holiday Spectacular Concert Celebrates “Goodwill to All”

This popular event will take place December 3rd and 5th.

Caelia: A pre-Roman beer in the Iberian Peninsula

The Celts and Iberos of indigenous Spain may have known about wine, but they grew wheat and barley, and they made beer. Beer and wine form a counterpoint. Wine belongs to the conqueror. Beer, so we are told, pertains to a lower class.

Life-Changing: A Liberal Arts student travels to Prague

One student explains why living in another country is life-changing.

Finding my way

One Interdisciplinary Liberal Arts alumna shares her story.

Digital History students re-creating 1905 Denver in Minecraft

Playing video games is probably not most people’s first thought when the topic of a class project is brought up, but Dr. Robert Jordan is using it to tangibly connect his students to history.

Comments from your Academic Success Coordinator

I dwell in Possibility – A fairer House than Prose – More numerous of Windows – Superior for Doors