
Letter from the Dean: Perception and the Liberal Arts

The intersection of perception – the process by which we perceive, interpret and make sense of the world around us – and the liberal arts offers a rich terrain for exploration and analysis, as both seek to understand the human condition and our place in the world.

College of Liberal Arts Spring 2023 News

Read the latest news in the College of Liberal Arts, including alumni stories, research and scholarship stories, and retirement announcements.

Changing people’s perceptions of museums

Who goes to museums? Who are they designed for? At the CSU art museum, the staff extend invitations to anyone to engage with art and one another through their choices of exhibits, displays, and programming. 

The Mistakes We Make and the Errors that Make Us: Perception and Imagination in the Liberal Arts

Perception, and the cultural and sociopolitical influences on it, is what allows us to define a problem or determine right and wrong. In the art world, what constitutes art is regularly a matter of perception.

Winter 2022

BBB Ethics Scholars bring philosophical analysis to the corporate world

Recent alumni Walker Urban and Molly Moxness applied philosophy to business when they were Ethics Scholars interns for the Better Business Bureau in northern Colorado, helping local businesses with their application for the Torch Awards, and proving that philosophy has very tangible real-world applications. 

Searching the Archive: Engaging History through a Social Justice Lens

Senior Peter Wilson prepares for graduate school by spending six months on an internship with Professor Zach Hutchins doing archival research and looking at original sources for Hutchins’ book project about Harriet Beecher Stowe’s A Key to Uncle Tom’s Cabin. 

Out of the Classroom and into the Community

Putting communication theory into practice, three PhD students in Communication Studies engage in Extension internships that result in a Middle Eastern cookbook, updated curricula for a local 4-H program, and increased awareness of Extension and the Colorado State Fair.