Written by
Nicolle McMurray
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Getting locked out can happen not just from your car or your home. Getting locked out can happen online when you’re not able to view certain films or media. Geoblocking, or regional lockout, is a way that media distribution companies protect their films. While we may think that the internet and other technologies have created a global village, media distribution practices and other uses of technology have prevented that global interconnection.
Toward a New Economy: Cryptocurrency and International Development
Bitcoin, the most popular cryptocurrency, has been touted as an amazing solution for those without easy access to a traditional bank. While it certainly opens up opportunities for people in developing nations who otherwise have to rely on third parties to help them receive and transfer money, it is not a cure-all. Plus, there are environmental implications to running all of the servers needed to mine Bitcoin. So, are cryptocurrencies worth it?
Artificial Intelligence, the Future of Work, and Inequality
One of the most spectacular facts of the last two centuries of economic history is the exponential growth in GDP per capita in most of the world. This economic progress, unprecedented in human history, would be impossible without major breakthroughs in technology. Many believe we are on the verge of a new technological revolution that will see Artificial Intelligence (AI) automating a majority of tasks that are currently performed by humans. Should we see AI as liberating or as a destructive force?
Winter 2018
Water Wise: working across disciplines to solve problems of scarcity and contamination
From scarcity and drought, to equitable distribution across a growing population, to contamination from mining and other extractive industries, water in Colorado is the nexus for interdisciplinary research that fulfills CSU’s land grant mission.
Lenses of the Liberal Arts: How we identify, analyze, and understand our world
How we understand water – its flow, its place and purpose, how it forms our identities, how it’s used and routed, how it destroys – and our relationship to it provides us insight into politics, economics, art, ourselves, and life itself. In this issue, we apply the lenses of the liberal arts to this most important resource.
Not Your Everyday Priest, Not Your Everyday Gift
Fr. Don Willette is not your everyday Catholic priest. So, appropriately, his gift to create an endowed faculty position at Colorado State University is anything but every day. The Father Don Willette Professorship for Theological Studies will encourage students, faculty, and staff at CSU to engage in academic pursuits and open conversations about the history and theological traditions of Christianity.
Sharing the Lessons Learned during the 2013 Colorado Flood
What can a historian do in response to life-threatening flooding like we’ve seen in Northern Colorado? Quite a lot it turns out. By documenting the communication, cooperation, and activity of disaster responders, historians capture the knowledge and information-sharing process that is so crucial to future response and recovery.