Department of
Languages, Literatures and Cultures

Many Roads: A study of traditional art by a non-traditional student

Annie Seipel is a non-traditional student in almost every sense of the word. At age 45 Seipel is on the brink of finishing her bachelor’s degree combining her interests of Arabic and metal-working.

Spring 2017

CSU student fulfills longtime dream of studying abroad

A foreign language matches any major. Junior Raeann Magill, soil and crop sciences major with a minor in Spanish, traveled to Uruguay for study abroad.

Winter 2016

Global Treks and Triple Majors

In her third year of college, Jo Buckley juggles the collective titles of world traveler, community leader and triple major.

Sign Language courses to be introduced next fall

The Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures is working to create an American Sign Language minor.

Outstanding Graduates

College of Liberal Arts faculty and staff highlight outstanding students graduating in Fall 2016.

Spring 2016

Afghanistan war veteran, liberal arts student recounts experience

Liberal arts student Rachael Martel explains how real-life experience has shaped her views on negative American sentiment towards Muslim and Islamic culture.

Liberal Arts students completing semester abroad on Gilman Scholarship

Two students in the College of Liberal Arts have been awarded the prestigious Benjamin A. Gilman Scholarship, which aims to diversify students’ international experiences.